Work 127

Posted on November 15, 2005 Under London Dada

Land of the Cat Killers V
c. 2004 Michael St.Mark

Several Works by the New Dadaists featured on 691 are available for purchase. Some are already sold. Take your opportunity to make an early investment in an exciting and radical new art movement outside the mainstream art establishment. For details go through Intro Tag ( Right & Scroll)

New comment on the Tate Modern Art Forum

One month on and we’re still trying to get an answer out of TM about the process used and time taken to construct the 14,000 Whiteread boxes in the TH. Considering the seriousness of the New Dadaists’ accusation of plagiarism of one of their works ( titled Infinitude ) from 15th September, you would think the Tate press office would be keen to dispel a false rumour by stating when and where the construction and assembly work actually began on the boxes. And by whom. Judge the plagiarism for yourselves at . .art outwith the establishment straightjacket. Link to Whiteread Plagiarist.