Work No 785; Beware Corporate America Bearing Gifts

Posted on August 22, 2015 Under London Dada

Beware Corporate America Bearing Gifts
c. Michael St.Mark 2015

Dressed manequins, mens’ fashion, John Lewis WGC
Faceless unaccountable corporate chiefs stateside may soon – entirely without cross-party or public consultation – be handed power on a plate over Britain’s commercial laws and finances, to the fiscal and environmental detriment of the population; leading inexorably to wholesale privatisation of the NHS ( plc) , a fracking free-for-all, GM crops ubiquitous UK-wide and all public services privatised and run by Cameron’s TTIP US cronies using forced zero hours / nil rights contract labour (read slave labour) scraping by on subsistence pay dressed-up as ‘a living wage’.

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Further valuable info on TTIP